
Elevate your Leadership

We offer 1:1 coaching with individual goal-setting and accountability to accelerate personal and professional growth. Our Coaching Collective is made up of domain experts who have built world-class products at massive scale and at startups.
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engineering leadership

new managers
impact & influence
high performing teams
Whether you're an individual contributor or an executive, you are likely challenged and overwhelmed by being a leader in a rapidly changing environment where you have to do more with less. We are former technical leaders who can help you navigate uncertainty and difficult transitions while developing skills like organizational influence and strategic thinking. As a result of our coaching, we've seen increased motivation, faster onboarding to new roles, and more empowered and autonomous teams.


work-life balance
building confidence
Our coaching methodology emphasizes transformative, sustainable growth, moving you from a reactive to creative space so you have the energy to focus on the goals that are meaningful to you. Our coachees have reported that with coaching, they are more mindful and confident about how to approach their career. Also, having someone external to the company helps you get to the heart of your struggles without fear of being judged or evaluated.

Product coaching

Product vision
product strategy
managing stakeholders
As a Product Manager, you're responsible for the success of the product, and yet the most challenging parts of the role are often about organizational alignment and juggling diverse responsibilities. Our product coaching focuses on helping you make better product decisions, manage the scope and resources of your product, and build effective relationships with your team and stakeholders.

What our Clients Say

“Sha-Mayn is a fantastic, thoughtful coach. In particular, she helped provide me with clarity and perspective during a time when I was considering making a major role change. One of the things I've appreciated most about her help is that she offers a framework-driven approach and provides encouragement to step back and look at the big picture, encouraging use of values and principles to make important decisions. Sha-Mayn has a wealth of experience, and I'd encourage anyone in the tech sector to work with her!”  
- Holly F, Engineering Manager
“Alice has a skill of walking through a complex situation (often emotionally charged and challenging for me), and raising guiding questions that would help me organize my thoughts and feelings. Once I learned to dissect the situations this way, it opened my mind to see others' perspectives more clearly and focus on what matters for me at work. I appreciated that Alice taught me skills without ever telling me what to do, but rather gently helping to stay on track throughout every coaching session. I had several coaches and mentors in the past, Alice's work is at a different level.”
- Slava K, Senior Software Engineer